For When You Don't Know What to Do (D&C 58:26-29)
(26) Look, I’m not always going to tell you what to do, and wanting me to is lazy. I want you to become like me, and you can only do that by making decisions.
(27) So go choose something good to throw yourself into. Wear out your life in pursuit of it. Try lots of different things, make mistakes, and do good where ever you go, whoever you meet, whatever you try.
(28) You are an eternal being, carved out of intelligence, given agency and a body so that you can effect the world around you. I fought the war in heaven so that you would be able to exercise that agency. Don’t neglect the gift. Don’t shy away from it by being a perfectionist. Go, learn, become more.
(29) You think that the only way to get into trouble is by doing bad things—but you dishonor me equally by failing to try, by waiting for my go ahead before you do anything. Trying is a kind of faith. It’s a way of receiving me in the best parts of yourself.
26 For behold, iti s not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
29 But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.