On Repentance (D&C 82)
(1) Now that you’ve forgiven each other, you can step away from this conflict knowing that you’ve done everything you can, and I make up the difference. My Atonement means that this is swept away, and instead of being broken, you can be better for having gone through this together.
(2) But do be careful. Because you are better, because you have received my grace and gone through the repentance process and become more, the backsliding hurts worse. You’re falling down from higher, is the thing, and the thud will be more resounding. It’s just way of moral physics.
(3) I’ve given you a lot, and I gave it to you so that you would do wonderful things in my name, so that you would work for the good of all. When you climb so high, the fall hurts more. When you’ve seen so much light, the dark is extra blinding.
1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, my servants, that inasmuch as you have forgiven one another your trespasses, even so I, the Lord, forgive you.
2 Nevertheless, there are those among you who have sinned exceedingly; yea, even all of you have sinned; but verily I say unto you, beware from henceforth, and refrain from sin, lest sore judgments fall upon your heads.
3 For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation.