Matthew 5:5-9
Blessed are the people who don't have anything, because I'll give them everything I have.
Blessed are the people who are hurting, because I will send them comfort.
Blessed are the ones who take me at my word, even when they don't know what it means, because they will receive every good thing.
Blessed are the people who hunger for beauty and goodness and love and peace, because they will be filled with those things.
Blessed are the ones who struggle to forgive over and over, and succeed over and over, if only temporarily, because they will be forgiven.
Blessed are the ones with deep kindness, because they will see God's face.
Blessed are the people who get what peace really is and work to have it in their lives and communities, because God will call them His kids.
Blessed are the ones who get called names and have much worse things happen to them because they took on God's name, because good things are coming, and you get to be part of them.