On Taking Care of the Poor (D&C 42:30-33)
(30) Literally, one of the things I talked most about during my mortal ministry was poverty—people who are suffering from it are always your kuleana. I’m not going to tell you how to take care of them, but I am going to tell you that to truly be my disciples, you must support them and give up the things you think that you’ve earned (which, to be clear, I’ve actually given you) to take care of them. This is a covenant between you and me, and I do not release you from that covenants nor will I ever.
(31-32) When you give to people who have less than you, you are giving to me. You’ll give it to my representatives, and they’ll consult with me and give it out to the people who need it. You are not an owner of anything, you are a steward, and I give you charge over the people around you. Keep what you need to take care of your family, and then be generous.
(33) If you have more than you need, I gave it to you so that you could take care of my children and build my kingdom. I don’t want anyone going hungry or unclothed. I want everyone to have not just what they absolutely need to survive, but enough to experience joy and security. Please take care of my kids.
30 And behold, thou wilt remember the poor, and consecrate of thy properties for their support that which thou hast to impart unto them, with a covenant and a deed which cannot be broken.
31 And inasmuch as ye impart of your substance unto the poor, ye will do it unto me; and they shall be laid before the bishop of my church and his counselors, two of the elders, or high priests, such as he shall appoint or has appointed and set apart for that purpose.
32 And it shall come to pass, that after they are laid before the bishop of my church, and after that he has received these testimonies concerning the consecration of the properties of my church, that they cannot be taken from the church, agreeable to my commandments, every man shall be made accountable unto me, a steward over his own property, or that which he has received by consecration, as much as is sufficient for himself and family.
33 And again, if there shall be properties in the hands of the church, or any individuals of it, more than is necessary for their support after this first consecration, which is a residue to be consecrated unto the bishop, it shall be kept to administer to those who have not, from time to time, that every man who has need may be amply supplied and receive according to his wants.